Friday, 25 August 2017

CY6151 ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY - I Syllabus Anna University

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Students get the anna university CY6151 ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY - I syllabus for regulation 2013 from here.




CY6151 ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY - I                                                                 L T P C 3 0 0 3 
  • To make the students conversant with basics of polymer chemistry.
  • To make the student acquire sound knowledge of second law of thermodynamics and second law based derivations of importance in engineering applications in all disciplines.
  • To acquaint the student with concepts of important photophysical and photochemical processes and spectroscopy.
  • To develop an understanding of the basic concepts of phase rule and its applications to single and two component systems and appreciate the purpose and significance of alloys.
  • To acquaint the students with the basics of nano materials, their properties and applications.
UNIT I POLYMER CHEMISTRY                                                                                                  9
Introduction: Classification of polymers – Natural and synthetic; Thermoplastic and Thermosetting. Functionality – Degree of polymerization. Types and mechanism of polymerization: Addition (Free Radical, cationic and anionic); condensation and copolymerization. Properties of polymers: Tg, Tacticity, Molecular weight – weight average, number average and polydispersity index. Techniques of polymerization: Bulk, emulsion, solution and suspension. Preparation, properties and uses of Nylon 6,6, and Epoxy resin.
UNIT II CHEMICAL THERMODYNAMICS                                                                              9
Terminology of thermodynamics - Second law: Entropy - entropy change for an ideal gas, reversible and irreversible processes; entropy of phase transitions; Clausius inequality. Free energy and work function: Helmholtz and Gibbs free energy functions (problems); Criteria of spontaneity; Gibbs-Helmholtz equation (problems); Clausius-Clapeyron equation; Maxwell relations – Van‟t Hoff isotherm and isochore(problems). UNIT III PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND SPECTROSCOPY                                                            9
Photochemistry: Laws of photochemistry - Grotthuss–Draper law, Stark–Einstein law and Lambert-Beer Law. Quantum efficiency – determination- Photo processes - Internal Conversion, Inter-system crossing, Fluorescence, Phosphorescence, Chemiluminescence and Photo-sensitization. Spectroscopy: Electromagnetic spectrum - Absorption of radiation – Electronic, Vibrational and rotational transitions. UV-visible and IR spectroscopy – principles, instrumentation (Block diagram only).
UNIT IV PHASE RULE AND ALLOYS                                                                                      9
Phase rule: Introduction, definition of terms with examples, One Component System- water system - Reduced phase rule - Two Component Systems- classification – lead-silver system, zinc-magnesium system. Alloys: Introduction- Definition- Properties of alloys- Significance of alloying, Functions and effect of alloying elements- Ferrous alloys- Nichrome and Stainless steel – heat treatment of steel; Non-ferrous alloys – brass and bronze.
UNIT V NANOCHEMISTRY                                                                                                      9
 Basics - distinction between molecules, nanoparticles and bulk materials; size-dependent properties. nanoparticles: nano cluster, nano rod, nanotube(CNT) and nanowire. Synthesis: precipitation, thermolysis, hydrothermal, solvothermal, electrodeposition, chemical vapour deposition, laser ablation; Properties and applications                                                                                                      TOTAL :45 PERIODS 
The knowledge gained on polymer chemistry, thermodynamics. spectroscopy, phase rule and nano materials will provide a strong platform to understand the concepts on these subjects for further learning. TEXT BOOKS:
1. Jain P.C. and Monica Jain, “Engineering Chemistry”, Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2010
2. Kannan P., Ravikrishnan A., “Engineering Chemistry”, Sri Krishna Hi-tech Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd. Chennai, 2009.
1. Dara S.S, Umare S.S, “Engineering Chemistry”, S. Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi 2010
2. Sivasankar B., “Engineering Chemistry”, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, Ltd., New Delhi, 2008.
3. Gowariker V.R. , Viswanathan N.V. and Jayadev Sreedhar, “Polymer Science”, New Age International P (Ltd.,), Chennai, 2006.
4. Ozin G. A. and Arsenault A. C., “Nanochemistry: A Chemical Approach to Nanomaterials”, RSC Publishing, 2005.


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