Sunday, 20 August 2017

EC6014 COGNITIVE RADIO Regulation 2013 Syllabus Download PDF-Anna University

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Students we have collected EC6014 cognitive radio syllabus regulation 2013 anna university.You can also download it in PDF format.Anna university ECE department syllabus CR download PDF.Check anna university results 2017.

Cognitive Radio EC6014 Syllabus  

EC6014 COGNITIVE RADIO                                                                                      L T P C 3 0 0 3 

 The student should be made to:
  • Know the basics of the software defined radios.
  • Learn the design of the wireless networks based on the cognitive radios
  • Understand the concepts of wireless networks and next generation networks
UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO SOFTWARE DEFINED RADIO                                                   
Definitions and potential benefits, software radio architecture evolution, technology tradeoffs and architecture implications.

UNIT II SDR ARCHITECTURE                                                                                                     
Essential functions of the software radio, basic SDR, hardware architecture, Computational processing resources, software architecture, top level component interfaces, interface topologies among plug and play modules,.

UNIT III INTRODUCTION TO COGNITIVE RADIOS                                                               9 
Marking radio self-aware, cognitive techniques – position awareness, environment awareness in cognitive radios, optimization of radio resources, Artificial Intelligence Techniques.

UNIT IV COGNITIVE RADIO ARCHITECTURE                                                                         9 
Cognitive Radio - functions, components and design rules, Cognition cycle - orient, plan, decide and act phases, Inference Hierarchy, Architecture maps, Building the Cognitive Radio Architecture on Software defined Radio Architecture.

UNIT V NEXT GENERATION WIRELESS NETWORKS                                                           9
The XG Network architecture, spectrum sensing, spectrum management, spectrum mobility, spectrum sharing, upper layer issues, cross – layer design.

                                                                                                                         TOTAL: 45 PERIODS
Upon completion of the course, students will be able to
  • Describe the basics of the software defined radios.
  • Design the wireless networks based on the cognitive radios
  • Explain the concepts behind the wireless networks and next generation networks
1. Joseph Mitola III,”Software Radio Architecture: Object-Oriented Approaches to Wireless System Engineering”, John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 2000.
2. Thomas W.Rondeau, Charles W. Bostain, “Artificial Intelligence in Wireless communication”, ARTECH HOUSE .2009.
3. Bruce A. Fette, “Cognitive Radio Technology”, Elsevier, 2009.
4. Ian F. Akyildiz, Won – Yeol Lee, Mehmet C. Vuran, Shantidev Mohanty, “Next generation / dynamic spectrum access / cognitive radio wireless networks: A Survey” Elsevier Computer Networks, May 2006.
1. Simon Haykin, “Cognitive Radio: Brain –Empowered Wireless Communications”, IEEE Journal on selected areas in communications, Feb 2005.
2. Hasari Celebi, Huseyin Arslan, “Enabling Location and Environment Awareness in Cognitive Radios”, Elsevier Computer Communications , Jan 2008.
3. Markus Dillinger, Kambiz Madani, Nancy Alonistioti, “Software Defined Radio”, John Wiley, 2003.
4. Huseyin Arslan, “Cognitive Radio, SDR and Adaptive System”, Springer, 2007.
5. Alexander M. Wyglinski, Maziarnekovee, Y. Thomas Hu, “Cognitive Radio Communication and Networks”, Elsevier, 2010

Download Cognitive Radio EC6014 Syllabus PDF

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